Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Legitimate Ways to Make Money Online

Plasticity Product Pathway.
There are a number of fast ways to make money online. Many of them are easy to implement and can do quite well. But there are also a lot of scams out there so be careful. So here are some suggestions for legitimate ways to make money online.
A great option is to get involved in well established affiliate programs. This is where you sell someone else's product or service and get paid a commission based on the sale. If you are interested in promoting physical products, one of the best options is to become an Amazon affiliate.
Simply go to the Amazon site and register as an affiliate. You will then be able to choose products to promote which are tied to your affiliate account. If you can direct someone to the product site which is linked to your affiliate account and they purchase the product, you make a commission on the sale.
What is great about this type of program is that you can decide exactly what products you want to promote. While there is normally a lot of competition for the most popular products, you can find some specialty products which are not as well known but appeal to a specific group of customers.
By using blogs and landing pages, you can promote your links and drive traffic to your affiliate pages. There is also a good deal of resources and support from the Amazon affiliate program website.
Another great affiliate site for digital products (like ebooks) is called Clickbank. They are one of the largest networks of such content. There are books you can promote and sell on all kinds of topics. You simply direct a prospect to your personalized sales page for the product. If they purchase the product, you receive a commission up to 75%. All the payment details are handled by Clickbank and they pay out commissions monthly.
There are a number of other good legitimate ways to make money online. One option involves offering your services in a variety of ways. If you are artistic, you can create logos or other types of digital design media. These services can be promoted on sites like Fiverr. You can also set up profiles on outsourcing sites like eLance or eGuru. These are great ways to offer up writing services or specialized marketing services if you have the experience and expertise.
In any case there are many ways to make money online fast. Check out some of these ideas or scan the internet for many more realistic options.
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The Importance of Marriage Counseling in Saving Marital Relationships

Vector image of two human figures with hands i...
Nowadays, the prevalence of couples that are going through marital problems is increasing in numbers. To a Christian community, separation and divorce are not the solution to marital problems. Every relationship undergoes rough patch. Almost every one of us experience problems that are brought by indifference, money or financial problems, jealousy, third party and other marital problems. Those people who would like to save their relationship undergo marriage counseling from a Utah marriage counselor or anywhere else they are in the world.
Marital problems are not only brought by problems such as financial instability and third-party relationships. It may even root from the use of drugs by one of the member of the family resulting to depression, anxiety and other mental disorder. If this will be the reason why there are problems in the family, the person involved must undergo treatments and counseling from Utah family therapist, Utah therapy, Utah mental health or any other institution that helps in guiding those individuals to become a better person.
Some marriage counselor's advice couples to have time dating in order to know one another much better. The couples must be given the chance to know more and discover what the couple likes to happen in their relationship. Dating can be an excellent healing process because it allows both parties to remember the times when they first met and the sweetness as well as the love that was developed between them. It can also bring fun to their lives. Marriage counseling often includes dating as a part of repairing broken marriages.
Since almost all couples argue, arguments are normal. In a relationship, someone is always right, and someone is always wrong regarding any argument. The only difference matters on the acceptance of whoever is right and who made the mistake must learn to swallow their pride and be humble in accepting that they are indeed wrong. Although it is so hard to admit that we are wrong, at times, it is extremely beneficial for a person to admit their wrong deeds in order to save the marriage. You and your partner must handle any issue professionally and not by throwing plates or things that are in the house.
Some married couples who have hard times in fixing their relationship seek guidance and professional help from a marriage counselor. Utah marriage counselors or any other counselors for married couples today can teach couples on how to manage their fears, emotions and anger, insecurity and many more. One of the most common reasons for marital problem is infidelity. How many families today are broken because of this issue? If only those who experienced infidelity of their husbands or wives are brave enough to say that they are a victim of infidelity, then we can give a definite answer to that question. Most people prefer to keep silent in order to save their families from shame and rumor or gossip.
Why is marriage counseling so effective in resolving marital conflicts? This is because marriage counselors listen carefully to both sides. Marriage counselors actively listen that is why clients would feel at ease to open up and talk more regarding the things that are bothering them. If only both partners know how to give and take and listen carefully, then there are no broken marriages or broken relationships. Listening is the basic principle in counseling.
In summary, the reason why marriage counseling can save marriage is because of the ability of most marriage counselor to listen carefully with any concern that the couple has. Marriage counselors will listen to whatever things that their client may say and then they provide feedback that will help resolve the issue or give solutions to the problem. Always remember in times that a marital problem gets into worst; seek professional help from any marriage counselor in the community that have proven effective results in saving a married couple.

Save Marriage Counseling
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Search For Talent on the Net

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When a new company is started, it is very important that the foundation must be very strong. For the same reason, one needs everything to be nothing less than perfect when one starts a company. The company's prosperity and attitude builds up depending upon the attitude of the people who make the company work. Our entire outlook of a particular company changes within a fraction of a second if we see an employee of a certain company act in an inappropriate manner with a customer.
It is understood by the companies that they are the perfection-seeking candidates and not the money-seeking ones that will help the company grow. Hence, a company should always be choosy when it comes to picking out the right people to work for them. Companies know that the candidates who realise that their profit is from the company's profit are the ones who are most eligible and are perfect for the job. Online talent search helps the companies pick the right candidates.
Getting information about the sources of prospective of employees is a major thing to do for a person who is about to start her/his own business. Almost any kind of information can be found on the internet. Talent is everywhere around us, and an excellent source to seek such talent is the internet. Online talent search is a very easy concept, one that can make the jobs. Candidates get their resumes posted on various employment sites and employers, according to the job requirement get to access the CVs of candidates. A huge number of companies make use of the internet for getting in touch with various candidates with the contact information that is posted on the websites.
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Get Six Pack Abs Fast - Secrets to Lose Belly Fat and Build Six Pack Abs

Cover of "Six-pack Abs"Start eating right. By eating the right foods you will burn belly fat and get six pack abs faster. Some great choices are fruits, vegetables, beans, lean meats, and nuts. These will really help your body burn belly fat and reveal your six pack abs. Not only that but you will feel fueled and ready to workout hard in no time.
Eat starchy carbs after a workout only. Foods like pasta, bread, and even oatmeal fall under this category. You do not need these kinds foods unless you have a very active lifestyle like working at a physical job. Only eat them after a workout to restore your energy levels. Otherwise they just turn into fat.
Get off the couch. Go outside and do something whether it is walking or playing a sport. The more active you are the leaner you will be.
Eat every 3 hours. Fill up your stomach every 3 hours to ensure you stay full without the desire to binge on junk food. As long as you eat healthy natural foods 90% of the time then you do not have to worry about counting calories.
Get more protein. Protein builds muscle. Try to get a source of protein with each meal. Some great examples are chicken, cottage cheese, and eggs. If you find it hard to get enough protein in your diet then getting protein powder is a solid investment. You do not need more than two scoops each day.
Drink green tea. It is a powerful fat burner and it is cheaper than any diet pills or whatever. It is also loaded with antioxidants.
To get six pack abs simply follow these tips and you will be well on your way to six pack abs. You can also do cardio and other effective exercises to accelerate your fat loss.
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Penis Enlargement Tips - Make Your Penis Longer, Thicker, and Much More Satisfying to Women

Diagram of the arteries of the penis.
Below are some important penis enlargement tips that you should absolutely follow if you want to make your penis longer, thicker, and much more satisfying to women. I went from a below-average and embarrassing 5.5 inches long and 5 inches around to over 8 inches long and exactly 6 inches around using very simple techniques that any man can duplicate.
To help you get started today, here are a couple of important penis enlargement tips:
1. Make sure you are focusing on both length AND girth. Given the fact that so many men use length-based measurements to brag about their penis size (e.g., "I'm packing nine inches!") it is easy to become myopically focused on the length of your penis. But listen to what WOMEN are saying, not your dumb friends in the locker room. Women almost unanimously claim that GIRTH is absolutely vital for giving them powerful orgasms through intercourse alone. Make sure you are utilizing techniques that address the THICKNESS of your penis.
2. You only need your hands to make your penis bigger! You don't need pills, pumps, lotions, potions, or hanging devices. And you CERTAINLY do NOT need to drop thousands of dollars on male enhancement surgery. Study up like I did, using unbiased sources, on NATURAL penis enlargement that requires the use of nothing more than your own two hands. Using your hands, you can specifically target the areas of your penis which are able to be enlarged with methods that produce fast growth. If you take action today, you can easily see noticeable gains within two weeks. Your penis will be longer, thicker, and more satisfying to women!
If you are ready to take action like I did and increase the size of your penis quickly and permanently, here is a link to the exact method I used to go from 5.5 inches to over 8 inches:

Penis Enlargement
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5 Tips For Hemorrhoids Treatment

Diagram showing a variety of hemorrhoids.
People who have hemorrhoids know how painful it feels. Hemorrhoids involve swelling of the veins around the rectal area. The swelling becomes an obstruction, resulting in pain when passing stools. Individuals suffering from the condition can choose from a variety of treatments available. The following are five hemorrhoids treatment tips and options. Consult a doctor before availing any treatment.
Most cases of hemorrhoids can be remedied with a few simple changes to a person's diet. Reduce the chances of hemorrhoids by eating fiber-rich foods such as whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Remember to exercise and drink lots of water to keep toxins out.
One simple hemorrhoid treatment is to practice healthy bowel habits. Avoid holding it in. If there is an urge to go the bathroom, go as soon as possible. Avoid straining and allow the stools to pass as naturally as possible.
Application of ice around the swollen area can help in relieving some of the pain. Do this for 10 minutes. Apply a warm compress for another 10 minutes. Repeat as necessary. Sitting on a bowl of warm water can also work.
Individuals can take over-the-counter pain relievers to help reduce the swelling. Creams and suppositories are also readily available from pharmacies and health stores. Check with a doctor regarding the dosage and to ensure that it does not have any adverse effects on the individual.
Medical options for hemorrhoids treatment vary depending on the severity of the condition. Nonsurgical options for hemorrhoids relief include rubber band ligation and coagulation of the swollen veins. With ligation, a rubber band is tightly tied around the base of the hemorrhoid. This cuts off the blood circulation around the hemorrhoid. Expect the growth to shrink and fall off within the week. With coagulation, infrared light, electricity or lasers is directed towards the swelling. This creates a scar and cuts the blood flow to the growth, allowing it to shrink and die naturally. Surgical removal of hemorrhoids is also possible for more extreme cases. However, this treatment option is expensive, painful and comes with a variety of complications. Opting for surgery should be a last resort.
There are several types of hemorrhoids treatment available on the market. Before settling on any particular type of treatment, individuals are advised to do the research and seek a doctor's approval. Doctors specialize with different types of treatments. Talk to several doctors to see which option is the best for the situation.
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Ovarian Cyst Treatment - The Natural Approach to Treating a Cyst on Ovaries

Benign Ovarian Cyst This 4.5-cm cyst had no sp...
Ovarian cysts can form on the interior or the exterior of the ovaries. These fluid-filled sacs form part of a normal menstrual cycle and usually disappear on their own. However, if they enlarge or remain in or on the ovaries, they can cause pain and other symptoms. This article will discuss some natural methods of ovarian cyst treatment.
Alternative ovarian cyst treatment focuses on preventing the causes of cysts. When choosing an alternative health professional, it would be best to seek a woman practitioner who has experience in dealing with reproductive complications. Problem cysts can be the result of a range of reasons that include stress, hormonal imbalances, and physical and emotional health.
The holistic approach to preventative ovarian treatment usually includes nutritional and dietary changes, exercise, herbal supplementation, and mind/body techniques to reduce stress levels. Treatment methods for existing cysts may include homeopathy, naturopathic medicine, Ayurveda, or Chinese medicine.
From a dietary perspective, you will be advised to cut out alcohol and caffeine. Also reduce the intake of all sugars (including maple syrup and honey), and eliminate refined starches like white bread. To achieve maximum benefits from a natural ovarian cyst treatment, replace these with foods that are rich in carotenoids and Vitamin A.
You will find these in tomatoes, carrots and salad greens. Include other foods that are high in the B complex of vitamins. These include whole grains, potatoes, bananas, lentils, green vegetables, eggs, chili peppers, red meat, liver, tuna and turkey. Often a simple change in nutrition can be an effective ovarian cyst treatment.
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Quit Smoking - Tips for Using Natural Herbs to Help You Quit Smoking

St John's wort
Do you want to stop your smoking habit? Everybody has their own reason to quit smoking. One of the reasons is it will cause health problem. Quitting smoking is a great idea and can ultimately save you from suffering from chronic complications of cigarette smoking. Using natural herbs have been known to be effective in helping smokers quit smoking. There are many herbs that are main ingredients for smoking supplements and dietary aids like Lobelia, St. John's Wort, Black Cohosh, Hyssop, Korean ginseng, Motherwort and Peppermint. Here are some simple tips before you use natural herbs in quitting smoking for good:
  1. Research on the herb first before you use any supplement. Knowledge is power and the more you know how a certain herb works like dosage, side effects, safety levels, adverse effects on various medications, etc, the more you will likely use it to quit smoking. Use the web as a great resource of many herbal remedies to stop smoking.
  2. Some herbs may be effective to use to stop smoking but are unsafe to use for along period of time. Some herbs are also banned by the FDA so it is best to visit their site or look for alternative herbal remedies that are safer to use.
  3. Natural herbs may cause adverse effects to medications you are currently using. It is best to consult your doctor for the use and dosage of any herbal supplement or treatment that uses natural herbs before using them.
  4. Buy natural herbs only from trusted dealers. The web may be a great resource of knowledge about herbal remedies but can also be a haven for scammers. Look for FDA approved sites that supply safe natural herbs. Do not go for fly by night offers and fantastic companies that offer money back guarantees. They may just be out there to get your money and credit information when you pay online.
  5. Check how natural herbal supplements are prepared before you buy them. When herbs are dried and moisture removed for processing and packaging, herbs may lose their therapeutic abilities. It is best to look for herbs that are prepared more naturally and faster after harvest so that nutrients and the therapeutic properties are preserved.
  6. The use of natural herbs in quitting smoking may only be successful if combined with smoker's education and other alternative remedies. It is still best to consult your doctor regarding the ideal quitting smoking treatment for you so you can stop smoking for good.
What if you can't stop smoking?

Quit Smoking
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Amazing Tips to Stop Premature Ejaculation - Give Her G-Spot Orgasms by Lasting Longer Inside Her

Skeletal muscle Bone Perimysium Blood vessel M...Are you frustrated with your premature ejaculation problem? Do you want to stop premature ejaculation and last longer in bed? These are the questions that every man in the world would answer in positive. Every man who is having premature ejaculation problem desperately looks for the ways to stop premature ejaculation. Even those who are not having this nagging problem want to last longer in bed in order to impress their women with their incredible sex stamina. Sensing this inevitable need of men, drug companies have churned out brand after brand of various drugs that claim to give men amazing sex power. But actually these drugs if taken for a long time cause various medical complications in men.
Well the formula to stop premature ejaculation or lasting longer in bed is simple. You are not required to spend any money for this formula of lasting longer in bed come into action. Just commit a few minutes a day every day to your sexual well being and you will be building incredible sexual stamina, rock hard,young boy erection in a few weeks without taking any drug. This formula consists of a few sex boosting exercises and dietary habits that would lay a strong foundation for your sex power.
The Sex Boosting Formula to Stop Premature Ejaculation:
Locate your PC muscle. For this purpose, stop your pee when you are in mid of it and you will feel a muscle contraction that stopped your pee. This is your PC muscle. You will focus to strengthen this muscle by taking various exercises. For example, contract it slowly. Take two two sets of 10 repetitions each in the beginning. Then after two sets of slow contractions. Do it faster. Then take two sets of long contractions. Hold your PC muscle contracted tightly for 5 seconds in the beginning then increase this time gradually. Do all this slowly but steadily. Never overdo it If you stick to this plan for 6-8 weeks, you will see clear improvement in your penis erection and would be able to last longer.
Secondly, you must pay proper attention to your nutrition. Take a balanced diet rich with vitamins,fiber,iron and all the nutrients that are generally useful for every one. Avoid constipation. This is the root cause of a lot of diseases. Add fiber rich food in your daily intake. Eat vegetables and fruit in raw form. Drink a lot of pure water daily. This is extremely good not only for your sexual health but also for your general health.
Following the above two tips religiously will help you stop premature ejaculation and enable you to give your woman extremely hot g-spot orgasms by lasting longer inside her.
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7 Great Stop Snoring Tips

Main health effects of sleep deprivation (See ...
Here are some great stop snoring tips for you, since snoring isn't only very annoying, it also disrupts your life and that of those who love and live with you; it can actually affect your family's health in serious ways. Good deep sleep is very important for one's health, to rest and to regenerate energy. So if snoring is keeping you or your spouse from sleeping through the night, it's about time you did something about it.
1st of the Stop Snoring Tips: Since the chemicals in cigars and cigarettes irritate the throat tissue, which then obstructs the flow of air through the throat, thus causing snoring, smokers have a higher probability of snoring than non-smokers. So stop smoking to stop snoring to live an altogether healthier and longer life.
2nd of the Stop Snoring Tips: The position you sleep in can greatly influence your snoring problem. Most people tend to snore more when sleeping on their back. Try adjusting your sleeping position to the side to reduce your snoring.
3rd of the Stop Snoring Tips: Excess weight is one of the main causes of snoring. Incorporate exercise and a balanced diet into your life to lose weight and lose the snoring problem right along with it.
4th of the Stop Snoring Tips: Alcohol can be another culprit for your snoring. Drinking alcohol relaxes the muscles, including those of the throat. So snoring should be alleviated when you reduce your alcohol intake, especially in the evening.
5th of the Stop Snoring Tips: When you ingest food right before going to bed, it'll be in your stomach a while and can be putting pressure on your diaphragm, which then results in snoring. When you adjust your last meal of the day to an earlier hour, giving your stomach some time to deal with it, you won't have that "pressure" problem and better night's sleep, snoring free.
6th of the Stop Snoring Tips: Dairy products such as milk, cheese, butter and yogurt increase mucous production in your oral cavity, which could get stuck in your nasal passages and throat. This would narrow the air passages and makes breathing harder, resulting in snoring. So avoid dairy products in the evening and thus eliminate a cause for snoring.
7th of the Stop Your Snoring Tips: Supported by certain research honey is recommended to help clear air passages. So this would be helpful to reduce snoring. You could either just take a teaspoonful or have some in cup of warm tea or even dipping slices of apple in honey to remedy your snoring issues.
So take a moment to analyze your sleeping and eating habits to see what might be causing you to snore and which steps to take to eliminate the culprit. Some changes in diet and lifestyle can make a world of difference for your sleep pattern, and that of your spouse too of course.
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Free Medical Textbooks - Where Can I Find Them?

Got Vote Florida 383
College students are usually struggling with their finances. The high cost of textbooks and research books can put their finances under water. This especially affects medical students who are required to perform much research. Many wonder, "Free medical textbooks - where can I find them?" There are many different websites that offer free books. Listed below are just a few to get you started.
DRE Books - DRE Books has thousands of free medical eBooks. They are available in many different medical specialties including, physiology, radiology, medical statistics, toxicology, and oncology, just to name a few. You can search by topic, book title, and author.
Medical Books Free - Medical Books Free is a website that allows you to download books for free as well as purchase paper copies of books for a substantially reduced price. There are thousands of books to choose from with most of the offerings being available in a free digital format. They include subjects in critical care, dentistry, embryology, family medicine, and forensic medicine, just to name a few. The site is free, but you can also upgrade to a different plan allowing you upload capabilities and higher speed, unlimited downloads.
Student Bookworld - Student Bookworld offers many medical textbooks and other medical resources. You can find books dealing with general practice, emergency medicine, dermatology, biology, and orthopedics.
Textbook and medical research books do not have to break the bank for students. There are many sources for free medical textbooks that can save students thousands of dollars each academic year.
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USMLE Step 1 Exam - 7 Tips For A Top USMLE Score

Lincoln on U.S. one cent
Studying for the USMLE Step 1 exam is serious business, and we are now in a time where there are more applicants than there are available residency positions, so there is absolutely no room for error in preparing for it thoroughly. It's true, there are almost twice as many people applying for residency today than there are available positions, so students should no longer be striving to simply "pass" the exam and go into a primary care field, because even the simplest residency programs to get into are now extremely competitive.
Because of the increasing difficulty in attaining a residency and the direct relationship between getting interviews and a good Step 1 score, I am going to share seven tips that I believe can help anybody do well on the USMLE exam, even if you are not a strong test-taker.
My seven tips for an outstanding Step 1 score are:
#1 - Start thinking USMLE from day 1 of med school
Get into the mindset from day 1 that you are preparing for the boards, because the sooner you set your mind for it's preparation the sooner you will start to absorb the appropriate material.
#2 - Class time = USMLE prep time
Pay close attention throughout your courses and pay extra attention to anything that your professors say is "high-yield", because they have been there already and they know what is likely to be on the exam. Take notes and develop your own process for marking the high-yield stuff that comes up in your classes.
#3 - Give the USMLE 1 hour every week from the start
If you are taking the right steps and making notes consistently for the Step 1 then you should have an ever-growing set of USMLE notes. Every week, take only 1 hour and sit and study your USMLE-specific notes, which will help you to absorb the high-yield information over time and this will ultimately help you best prepare.
#4 - Combine your class notes with your study guide notes
Something I didn't do but I wish I had done was get a USMLE Step 1 study guide from day 1 and bring it to all my classes. I had friends who did this and it helped them tremendously, and the only thing you need to do is jot down class information that comes up that is discussed in your study guide. This helps you to add more depth to the high-yield topics mentioned in the study guide and this ultimately gives you an even better study guide in the long-run.
#5 - Do a question bank from day 1
Starting a question bank from the beginning of your med school days is a great way to learn how to take standardized exam questions as well as a great way to help you prepare for your classes. Be sure to work through the qbanks slowly and take great notes along the way, as these will come in handy closer to your Step 1 exam date.
#6 - Create 3 sets of notes for the USMLE
Studying simply from a pre-written study guide is a fast way to a mediocre score, so instead of that you want to create 3 sets of study notes for your USMLE prep. First, you need to create notes straight from your classes which are your most in-depth set of study notes, secondly you need a set of notes mentioned in #4 which is more high-yield in nature, and third you need a thorough set of notes taken from your question bank. These three are a killer combination and will help you do very well on your exam.
#7 - Treat your USMLE preparation like a job
This test is tough, so approach it as if it was a job, giving it plenty of dedicated attention. When you are done with your 1st and 2nd year courses, create a schedule for studying and stick to it firmly, as you need to study intensely and consistently for a few weeks in order to get a top score.
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10 Tips For Successful Laser Eye Surgery Recovery

Contact lenses, other than the cosmetic variet...
Are you considering getting laser eye surgery as a great and fast way to achieve good vision and wave good bye to frumpy glasses and annoying contact lenses?
Laser eye surgery recovery phase is an important part of any successful surgery and ensures that you are left with the best possible results in the long run.
Read below to find our some great recovery tips to help your eyes heal faster.
1. Take it easy following your laser eye surgery. This is the best advice any opthalmologic surgeon is going to give you since avoiding any strenuous activities can significantly reduce chances to raise your blood pressure that can interfere with healing. Try to rest as much as possible and avoid any reading, computer use or watching TV to avoid excessive eye straining.
2. Follow all doctor's orders. It's essential to take all your medications and instill eye drops exactly per your doctor's recommendations. Eye dryness is a very common side effect from any eye surgery, so keeping your eyes moisturized is vital to help your cornea heal properly.
3. Wear protective eye mask at night. You eyes are going to feel really itchy and sensitive as they heal and you might have to keep yourself from your natural reaction as scratching. In your sleep you might not be able to control itching, so keeping an eye patch for eye protection is recommended by most ophthalmologist.
4. Wear sunglasses when going outside. This part is also important since your eyes might be too sensitive to bright sun light and dusty environments outside. In addition, sun glasses will keep microscopic debris from your eyes.
5. Avoid alcohol. Alcohol raises your blood pressure and puts your at risk of developing after laser eye surgery complications.
6. Do not smoke in the laser eye surgery recovery phase. Smoke makes eye dryness and irritation much worse and might interfere with the healing process.
7. Report any possible eye surgery complications. Tell your doctor if you experience significant eye redness, itchiness, pain and fever and if something just doesn't feel right. These could be signs of possible eye infection that your doctor must be informed about right away to start you on the treatment.
8. Do not shower immediately after eye surgery. Shower mist can carry soap and lotion particles in your eyes that can cause significant irritation in already sensitive eye tissues. Opt for a bath for a couple of days following your procedure.
9. Avoid using make-up until your doctor confirms you are healing properly and the initial risk of possible infection is no longer a threat. Make up contains large amounts of chemicals that will irritate your eyes.
10. Be aware of rare but possible risks associated with laser eye surgery. If you have trouble with night vision, double vision or started seeing halo reflections, talk to your doctor for a proper vision analyses.
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Top Tips for Dog Grooming

Black Female Miniature Schnauzer 3 years old (...
Proper dog grooming requires the proper knowledge, preparation, and equipment. It is extremely important to groom your dog as frequently as is recommended. Proper grooming is important for dogs for most of the same reasons that it is important for people. When your dog is clean and trimmed it feels happy, satisfied, and self-confident. Besides that, proper grooming will keep your dog healthy. Dirty dogs will tend to become infested with harmful, parasitic insects like fleas and ticks. Your dog will be less healthy and happy if you fail grooming at the proper frequency.
Proper knowledge of dog grooming entails your understanding of your particular breed of dog and the grooming protocol required. There are different procedures that must be followed if the dog has short hair as opposed to long hair. There are different requirements depending on the age of your animal. And of course each breed has its own unique peculiarities. On average, most dogs need to be groomed at least bi-monthly. Some need to be groomed much more often than this. Some need to be groomed slightly less often.
In general, short haired dogs like Boston Terriers can be groomed every two weeks, but longer haired dogs like Schnauzers need to be groomed at least weekly for this reason. Of course there is a big difference between dogs that spend their time outdoors and dogs that spend their time indoors. Most dogs who are outdoor dogs will need to be bathed every five days or so. Inside dogs generally require less bathing. Also you will find that you need to groom your dog with greater frequency as he ages. Older dogs tend to shed hair faster and smell bad more often. If you are new to dog ownership and therefore dog grooming as well, don't worry.
It is fairly simple to recognize the frequency with which your dog should be bathed simply by observing its behavior. If your dog is scratching or appears to be dirty then it is time to groom your dog. In fact, if your dog is scratching from insect bites, then you have actually waited too long to groom your dog, but the sooner the better. If you notice that your dog is scratching every 10 days then you probably need to groom your dog every week.
This is how often you should groom your dog if you're asking the question, "What is the least that I should do for my dog as far as grooming?" However, you may be asking the question, "Is it possible to bathe my dog too much?" As long as you are using shampoos that are gentle and no harsh chemicals, there is no such thing as bathing or grooming your dog too often. You may bathe your dog as often as you like. Make sure, though, that you use the proper grooming products. For instance, it is really not a good idea to use human shampoo for your dog. Sure it may work to clean his hair, but the levels of pH in human shampoo is stronger than the pH level of doggie shampoo. Therefore, if you continuously use human shampoo on your dog, you can actually give him dry itchy skin.
It is best to prepare for your pooch's bath time by using a special doggie comb to detangle mats that may be in his coat. There are actually several detangling sprays available that can facilitate gentle combing of the dog's coat so that the bathing process is more successful. If you attempt to shampoo your dog's coat without having first brushed the tangles, you will find the detangling process to be an arduous task. Please remember to first use the specialized detangling spray. If you simply try to comb the knots out dry, you will inflict considerable discomfort upon your pet. Very simply, if you are in doubt then comb your dog's hair the way you would comb your own detangle, wet, shampoo, dry, comb.
Grooming your dog is a job (even though it can be fun). And like any other job, it is paramount that you have the proper tools and equipment to complete your task. Please remember that the cheapest tools and products are the cheapest for a reason. You are doing your dog and yourself no favors by skimping on the right products and equipment. If you are on a budget, then be resourceful and find ways to get top of the line products for highly discounted prices. Your dog wouldn't be cheap in caring for you, so please return the favor.
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Acupressure Points Tips For Newbies

Basic overview of energy and human life (See a...
Believe in the acupressure method! Yeah, it can help you out to work out on several cases of symptom or health problems! And this method works like acupuncture but without using needles. You can use this ancient China form of body work if you always get feared with needles.
But before you start to pressure some points in your body, you need to comprehend about energy meridians and all ins and outs regarding this method. As you're already known, this system is an ancient healing technique that goes way back to 300 BC! Today, you'll know it as reflexology.
And it works with energy meridians or channels inside your body. You see, when one of these channels is blocked, it signs with a painful acupressure point. It means that your energy isn't flowing well trough your body.
By pressing that particular point, you'll be releasing toxins and waste! As result a clear energy meridians will lead to health and vigor.
Okay, now you get the whole picture of this method! Let's finding acupressure points! First thing to do is get a reflexology body map. Then apply some pressures to an acupressure point listed it by using your index finger!
You can't find it? Don't worry, as you know before these points are aching if the energy is blocked! See your map, and gently press those painful points to let free the blocked energy! Use the tip of your finger.
Hold for 30 seconds. But hear this, usually the blocking point will release before in less than 30 secs! How do you know? It's simple since you'll no longer sense throbbing or tension on that particular point.
But when it won't release in less than 30 secs, move on to the next! That's quite all right since old pain and chronic problems won't set up free with just one treatment.
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Weight Loss Diet - 6 Powerful Weight Loss Diet Tips

Marine of the United States Marine Corps runs ...Everyone knows that most people would like to lose weight, but most don't seem to know the best way to lose weight. To start seeing differences, you have to make some changes in your habit and lifestyle.
Let me share a few very vital weight loss statistics Before I start:
- 64 percent of people in the United States are overweight - Obesity is responsible for 325,000 deaths every year. Alright as you can see Weight Management is a huge Problem in the United States, So we are constantly searching for that miracle drug to help us with weight loss diet.
You may not want to hear, it but it's true - there is no magic spell when it comes to losing weight. However, there are some things that you can do in order to lose fat as quickly as possible.
Here are Six great weight loss tips:
If you favour the traditional route of diet and exercise, then the following tips given below should work greatly to help with weight lose diet:-
1. Eliminate Eating Junk Food.
Most of your efforts to reduce your weight will be unsuccessful of you are unable resist eating junk and processed foods. These primarily consist of fast foods and snack foods such as burgers, pizza, fries, potato chips etc. All of these foods offer very poor nutritional value and it consequently makes no sense at all to carry on eating them. Keep in mind - you will not be able to physically improve on an insufficient diet. You must look carefully at the contents of your cupboard, fridge and freezer and make certain that you switch all sugary and greasy foods with nourishing, healthy alternatives.
2. Drink a Lot of Water- Although you may have heard it over and over again, it is really true. Drinking water not only replenishes your system but also promotes weight loss. How is that possible? Well, as we all know, water is a fluid that directly passes your colon, so drinking water can flush away those toxins and unwanted fats. Drink at least 8 glasses a day for best results.
Water is essential to life and a healthy body. Dehydration will wreak havoc on you and your fitness goals. If you are dehydrated your body cannot function at its optimal level. For example, your muscles will loose strength, you won't burn fat as quickly, and you'll feel tired and fatigued.
3. Reduce the Size of Your Portions-
You should eat five or six small portions each day at regular intervals of about 4 - 5 hours. This will aid appetite suppression and boost your rate of metabolism, causing you to burn additional fat without the need for too much physical effort.
4. Lower Your Calorie Consumption Without Deprivation. Do this by steadily reducing the amount of calories that you get through by a small quantity each day. This will tot up very quickly, but be aware that you will not start to lose weight until you reach the point at which you are expending a more calories than you eat each day. This incremental approach will help to cut down snacking and binging, which would clearly put you straight back where you began.
5. You Want to Start Exercising Regularly-
This doesn't need to be anything excessive, but simply put: working out is almost certainly the most effective way to lose weight and enhance your general heath. Diets by themselves may assist you with losing some weight, but they are not able to improve your stamina, physical fitness, flexibility, mental state and help you achieve numerous other benefits in the way that regular exercise can.
Additionally, exercise is another technique to increase your metabolism, which, once more, helps you to burn off additional fat in less time.
6. Sleep Well- Practice a Good Night Sleep
Sleeping is a favorite quick weight loss tip since it is one of the most effortless. Do not understand the power of having enough sleep. It is vital to your overall weight loss plan. Medical research has proven that sleep deprivation would induce hunger, and improve appetite. This often results in excessive eating. Likewise, having sufficient sleep of at least 8 hours helps to bring a balance to the leptin level and aids weight loss.
There you have the Building block to A Permanent Weight Loss.
There are many ways in which an individual can choose to lose weight. The problem is that diet, and exercise alone for some people still isn't enough, and may leave them struggling to reach their weight loss goals. For many people changing their diet, exercising, and taking nutritional supplements or weight loss products in combination can be the perfect answer to lose weight.
One such supplement is acai for weight loss. Acai is a form of berry that is found in the Amazon, and holds tremendous antioxidant properties. It is also used to increase energy levels, and to improve digestive health. Acai can also help to prevent free radical damage, and diseases like cancer, heart disease, and premature aging. It's the combination of all of these benefits that make acai for weight loss a great option for individuals who need extra assistance.
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How to Cure Acne - 10 Easy Steps to Cure Acne

A pic of Genmaicha, Japanese "popcorn&quo...Image via Wikipedia
Acne is a skin condition that occurs due to the overproduction of oil by the oil glands of the skin. It is often recognized by the inflammation in the skin. Acne skin condition usually occurs during adolescence. Most of the people get it at some point during their life time. There are number of natural tips to cure acne. Acne can occur due to several factors which include heredity, hormonal changes related to pregnancy. Dermatologists will help you in the treatment for curing acne. By trying to cure acne with natural remedies we can avoid the side effects that might occur as a result of consuming pills.
There are many tips to cure acne. These tips have no side effects and are always safe.
  1. It is always good to consume plenty of water which will have a great and tremendous effect not only on your body but also on your skin.
  2. Your body becomes dehydrated when you sleep therefore it is good to consume water before you go to sleep at night.
  3. Fruit juices will help you in curing acne. Another great drink is the green tea which contains antioxidants that fight acne causing bacteria.
  4. To cure acne green leafy vegetables can be consumed. This helps to freshen up the body.
  5. Vitamin E is always essential for the skin since it guards the skin from acne.
  6. Keeping your mind calm without stress can also help you to get rid of acne.
  7. Before bathing apply a mixture of rose water, honey and tomato pulp on your face and allow it be there for twenty to twenty five minutes before washing it.
  8. Regular yoga will also help you stay healthy and maintain a good skin.
  9. Try to reduce heavy make up. Always try to go for natural products.
  10. Try to keep your hair away from your face and avoid pricking at pimples.
Acne is extremely ugly on the skin. Natural remedies can be very effective in curing acne. All that your body requires is nutritious diet and maintaining a healthy skin. Eat carrot every day as it has vitamin A which is essential for maintaining healthy skin and it removes the excess toxins in the body. Change your pillow cover often. Do not get the oil from the hair to get into your face. Natural remedies are more powerful and help you in maintaining a healthy skin.

Acne Treatment
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How To Use Digg to Social Bookmark Your Site

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Digg is one of the leading social media sites on the internet. If you social bookmark your site at Digg, it will get indexed in the search engine within a short time. Your site can get indexed in as fast as 5 minutes because the search engine spider is always lingering in Digg. The search engine spider likes to linger in Digg because it is updated at every minute. There are so many people that visit Digg to perform social bookmarking every day. In addition, there are also a lot of visitors that come to Digg to find news. In fact, Digg receives several millions of visitors per day. If your post rank on the front page, it will get noticed by the millions of people around the globe. Digg is highly effective for using to promote a product. You don't have to publish an advertisement in the magazine or newspaper to make known your product. To advertise your product, you simply create a website and social bookmark it at Digg.
If your site is new and not indexed, you can submit to Digg. You don't have to submit to other social media sites. By just submitting to Digg, your site will get spidered and indexed. Digg requires you to choose a relevant category before you can proceed to finalize the submission. There are a variety of categories that you can choose from. If you cannot find a category, you can submit it under Offbeat category. The Offbeat category is for posts that are not related to any of the category available in Digg.
The title and description must be interesting. If you don't know how to write the title and description, you can reference other post. Some people use humorous title to attract attention. You can devise a title that can grab people attention. You should ask yourself what type of news that the audience like to read. The title should not be written in a generic way. Generic titles are often ignored. You should not capitalized the title to obtain attention from people. People will ignored capitalized title because it seems that you are a spammer. People will not give you attention if you purposely seek for it. You only have to capitalize the first letter of each word. The description should contain 2 - 5 sentence. It is not a good practice to copy the first paragraph of the content and use as description. Copying the first paragraph to be used as description will cause duplication problem. Duplication problems will cause your website hard to get indexed. To prevent this problem, you should write a unique description.
The title and the description should be optimized with keywords. The standard keyword density is 2%. You won't get banned if you use too many keywords. However, it will cause the search engine to think that you are a spammer. In addition, you should tag your bookmarks with appropriate keywords that are relevant to the post so that people can find it in the social networking site when performing a search.
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My Future Boyfriend (2011) DVDRip XviD

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Government Jobs in Seismology and Earthquake Engineering in India

PK Kelkar Library, IIT Kanpur, designed by Ach...Image via Wikipedia
Seismology is a term derived from the Greek term seismos, which means earthquake and the logy in the term indicates science. Therefore, Seismology is a scientific study of earthquakes and the movement of waves through the earth. The field also includes study of variants like plate tectonics, volcanoes, seaquakes in general and consequential phenomena like tsunami. An earthquake occurs due to the sudden and sometimes violent movement of the surface of earth caused by release of energy in the crust of the earth.

Earthquakes produce different types of seismic waves and these are waves of energy caused due to sudden breaking of rock within the earth or an explosion.
Role of Seismologist and Earthquake Engineers:
As most of us know, earthquake is a natural event that sometimes produces great harm to the community and mankind. Therefore, to protect mankind from this natural disaster, the role of seismologist and earthquake engineers are highly needed. The earthquake engineers are responsible for ensuring that new structures have the proper degree of resistance to earthquake hazards of their environment. Earth quake engineers unite with seismologists in estimating the frequency and size of earthquakes in different parts of the world. Nowadays, with the increasing incidents of earthquake not only India, but also other countries have realized the importance of earthquake engineers and seismologists for effectively protecting their masses from the effects of earthquake and related problems.
How to become a seismologist?
In India, only a few universities offer UG degree in geophysics of which seismology forms a part. Since seismology is a field of applied science, most institutions prefer the students to have solid UG training in more basic disciplines particularly in physics or mathematics. since seismologist will have to deal with computers, a candidate should possess computer knowledge to become a seismologist. To become a seismologist, candidates must have completed their Master of Science in Geophysics and before beginning with industrial career in seismology, they will have to acquire one or two-year advanced specialized study in seismology.
Institutes offering Seismology and Earthquake Engineering course in India:
Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee
Indian Institute of Technology, Karagpur
IIT, Kanpur
Banaras Hindu University
Wadia Institute of Hinalayan Geology
Osmania University
Andhra University
Government jobs in Seismology and Earthquake engineering:
When it comes to government jobs in this field, candidates can look for job IITs and they can also find job placement in research organization engaged functioning under the government.
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5 Attractive Traits of Men That Draw Women to Them

NEW YORK, NY - OCTOBER 20: Natasha Bedingfield...
If you think good looks and money are the top qualities that attract women, think again because you will see men who are not rich and good-looking and yet they attract women like a magnet. In general, women are attracted to particular traits that some men possess. If you want to find out the attractive traits of men that draw women to them, keep reading.
Confidence. Most women want men who are confident, knows what they want and not shy. A handsome guy with a low self-esteem or self-confidence is not attractive at all and will not get noticed. People especially women want to be with people who are confident. If you do not know your importance and you feel you are not worthy enough to meet and attract women, then people will treat you as someone worthless or unimportant. Women are drawn to men who appear confident, sure of themselves and who have control over their future. Confidence is one of the attractive traits of men that draw women to like them. Being confident does not mean being fearless and flawless. We all have fears and insecurities but what sets them apart is that they believe in themselves and know that they are worth knowing.
Sense of humor. Laughter is a universal language that draws people to each other. If you have an awesome sense of humor, you are a woman magnet. Women are emotional creatures and they think or worry a lot. Making them laugh relieves their stress. Make a woman laugh and she will always think of you and will miss you if you are not around.
Intelligence. Women are fascinated with men who have brains. Of course you do not want to appear like an arrogant smart person. You do not have to flaunt that you are intelligent and you have to be careful not to intimidate women. If you are a person with brains and still remain humble, you are an interesting person to be with. Intelligence and humility are attractive traits of men that draw women like magnet.
Romantic. Women are hopeless romantic. Most women fell in love with the male characters in pocketbooks and movies because most women want to be treated like princesses by a romantic prince. If you have the ability to connect with women through their emotions, then you have the edge to attract women. Skipping a once in a lifetime ball game just to be with a girl can make any woman's heart flutter. Being romantic is one of the attractive traits of men that can help you in getting the girl of your dreams.
Doing good deeds to others. Women have that motherly instincts and most women are caring. If you are a person who cares for other people, then you are an attractive man. Women respect and admire men who have the heart to help other people. Of course doing good deeds is not something you can fake or do just for the sake of impressing a girl. Women can easily tell if you are not genuinely caring for others.
Knowing and understanding the qualities of men that attract women is important if you want to succeed in dating women.
Romance Love
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How A Makeup Vanity Completes A Room

Spice GirlsCover of Spice Girls
When you are decorating your home, you want to make sure that all of the individual elements work well together so that the room is truly complete. You can start with the type of flooring or the color of the walls, but you need to remember that you should not stop there. Everything else needs to match as well. Furthermore, you cannot leave the room barren and empty. It should not be cluttered, but it needs to have some things inside of it that can enhance the decorative scheme that you have chosen. One item that you should consider is a makeup vanity.
Functionality and Beauty
To begin with, a vanity is a great addition to any room because it has the perfect balance of functionality and beauty. It can be used on a daily basis, so it is not something that will just be taking up space for no reason other than the way that it looks. At the same time, those looks can transform a room. The ways that this can happen will be discussed more completely below.
Filling An Empty Wall
One way that a makeup vanity works to complete a room is that it can break up an empty wall. If you put this in your bedroom, for instance, you can place it opposite the bed. This bed itself will take up one wall, and the dressers can take up the side walls, but there will be nothing on the far side of the room. That wall will look huge and vacant. When you put a vanity in the middle of it, the room will look like it is full, though not cluttered.
Giving A Stylistic Touch
Because it is so big, a vanity can really add a lot to the way that the room looks as soon as you walk in. The style that it has will help to define the room. If the vanity is made of oak that has been stained to a dark color so that it looks antique, the rest of the room will have this old-world charm. If the vanity is made of metal and plastic so that it looks modern and new, the rest of the room will capture this modern air instead. You just need to make sure that it matches the style of the lamps, tables, chairs, and other items that are in the room.
Making The Room Appear Larger
Finally, you need to consider how a makeup vanity can make a room look bigger. Most vanities have a mirror attached to the top. This is helpful because you can use it when you are applying your makeup, but it also serves a purpose even when the vanity is just sitting near the wall. It will reflect the other side of the room, making the space appear larger. This is a simple trick that can fool your eye so that you feel like you are relaxing in an open space even if your bedroom is rather compact.
Home Improvement Ideas
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The 7 Most Motivational Quotes Ever Spoken

Zig ZiglarCover of Zig ZiglarToday I want to talk about the seven most motivational quotes ever spoken (or written). Why? Because motivation is the key to success! I like what Zig Ziglar said about motivation, he said, “People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily.”

Motivation is something you need everyday. It's motivation that pushes you forward when you want to collapse; it's motivation that lights the end of the tunnel. If life is a road trip, then motivation is the engine that will take you to your destination. Nothing happens without motivation. Have you been motivated today?

Here are the seven most motivational quotes ever written or spoken, I’ve subtitled them, and given them some commentary, I hope you enjoy.

The 7 Most Motivational Quotes

  1. Our Deepest Fear
    “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do” --Marianne Williamson, A Return To Love

    If not you, then who? We are taught as children that others are great, and that we are not, so I ask the question, “Where do the “great” come from?”

    I submit to you that the great arise from the most mundane of places; the great are those who refuse to remain as they are; the great are those who believe in their greatness.
  2. You Will Become What You Think About

    “The vision that you glorify in your mind, the ideal that you enthrone in your heart, this you will build your life by, and this you will become.” --James Allen, As a Man Thinketh

    The thoughts that you harbor in your mind, the ones that you continually give your attention to, those thoughts will eventually become your life.

    If you see yourself as a success, then you will become a success; whatever you consistently ponder, you will become.
  3. Your Life Should be an Adventure

    “Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing.”--Helen Keller

    Whatever your dream, go after it; never settle for a life of quiet desperation, never become a realist. John Eliot said, “As soon as anyone starts telling you to be “realistic,” cross that person off your invitation list.” Your life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.
  4. You Should Never Overestimate the Competition

    “The fishing is best where the fewest go, and the collective insecurity of the world makes it easy for people to hit home runs while everyone else is aiming for base hits. There is just less competition for bigger goals. If you are insecure, guess what? The rest of the world is, too. Do not overestimate the competition and underestimate yourself. You are better than you think.”-- Timothy Ferris, The Four Hour Work Week

    Someone has to be successful, someone has to write the next bestseller, someone has to be number one, someone has to be on the best, why not you! As the famous poem goes, “You have all that the greatest of men have had, two hands, and two feet.”
  5. Just Keep on Working

    “I do not have superior intelligence or faultless looks. I do not captivate a room or run a mile under six minutes. I only succeeded because I was still working after everyone else went to sleep.”--Greg Evans

    Keep working, and keep working, and keep working towards your goal, eventually you will get there. The key is to remain focused on your goal! I like what J.C. Penny said, he said, “Give me a stock clerk with a goal, and I will give you a man who will make history. Give me a man without a goal, and I will give you a stock clerk.”
  6. If You Want It, Go Get It

    “You got a dream, you gotta protect it. People can’t do something themselves, they wanna tell you, you can’t do it. If you want something, go get it. Period.”--Will Smith in the Movie: Pursuit of Happyness

    There will always be “little men” telling you “how you can’t, why you can’t, and how you’re going to fail when you try.” But if you have a dream, go after it; never let someone tell you what you can’t do. You can do whatever you believe you can do.
  7. Remember: Success Always Starts Small

    “The greatest achievement was at first, and for a time, but a dream.” --Napoleon Hill

    The largest tree was once a tiny seed. There was a time when Microsoft wasn't on any computers; there was a time when Michael Jordan had never scored in a basketball game. Never despise small beginnings, every success starts small. So stay focused, if your focus is steady, you will succeed!
Thank you for reading and be sure to pass this article along.
Self Improvement Tips
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Fee structure for private MBBS medical colleges?

Navi Mumbai in India by zeeble Uploaded to wik...Top Private Medical Colleges in India :

1) Kasturba Medical College (KMC), Manipal and Mangalore Campus,

Top ranked private medical colleges, 5th rank overall. Established in 1956 as first private medical college. Most expensive, top rankers choose manipal followed up by mangalore. The college receives about 750 applications and accepts about 70. The institute has recently started twinning program and its degree has approval of many US states. Check out 2010- 11 prospectus and fee structure (US$150,000 for entire course) for KMC at the NRI Quota page of this website.

KMC Manipal MBBS Prospectus and Fee Structure for 2011-12 (incl. NRI Seats)

2) SRMC (Sri Ramachandra Medical College and Research Institute)-Chennai

This deemed University has membership in Association of Indian Universities and is a Harvard Medical International Associated Institution.

SRMC NRI Prospectus and Fee Structure

3) M.S. Ramaiah Medical College, Bangalore

This is one among the top private medical colleges in Bangalore, and too of Karnataka.

MSRMC-MS Ramaiah-NRI_AppForm_MBBS.pdf

4) KIMS (Kempegowda Institute of Medical Science), Bangalore,


5) At this slot I would put 3 Bangalore colleges that are also popular amongst NRIs

St.Johns Medical College:

Father Muller Medical College:

JSS College- Mysore

Though above colleges are most preferred by NRIs, the below colleges also rank in top 10 private medical colleges

6) Dr B R Ambedkar Medical College, Bangalore,

7) Amrita Institute of Medical Science (AIMS), Kochi Ernakulam:

’8) At this slot I would put 5 Mumbai MBBS colleges that are hugely popular

KJ Somaiyya Medical College & Research Centre:

Dr. D Y Patil Medical College- Navi Mumbai and Kolhapur, MH:

Terna Medical College:

Bharati Vidyapeeth: Pune, New Mumbai,

Mahatma Gandhi Mission’s (MGM) Medical College. Navi Mumbai,

9) Other MBBS Options in Maharashtra

Maharshtra Institute of Medical education and Research, Medical college Pune,

Pravara Institute Of Medical Sciences.—> Ahmed Nagar, MH, pravara-medical-collge-ahmed-nagar-nri-form

10) One may consider following colleges if wish to do MBBS from north india

DMC (Dayanand Medical College)- Ludhiana,

DMCH Ludhiana Prospectus, Admission Procedure and Fee Structure for NRIs

Sharda Hospital, Greater Noida-

Subharti Medical College, Meerut-

Mahatma Ghandhi College and Hospital, Jaipur-

Admission Process: Foreign citizens, PIO card holders, OCI (Dual Citizens), NRI students and NRI sponsored students can apply under the Foreign/NRI category. 15% of the seats in private medical colleges in India are reserved for this category.

There is no transparent admission process except in KMC (Manipal/Mangalore) and SRMC Chennai. You shortlist few medical colleges, visit India, start talks with the admissions staff directly. If one can’t visit the college personally, hire a ‘broker’ (may charge Rs. 50k to 2 lacss without you knowing about it) as college admission staff hardly talks on phone. Since most of these colleges milk NRIs, they charge higher than set fees by the states by way of donation fee in cash without receipt. Therefore, even to initiate talks with admission staff, be ready to butter the palm of junior staff. A donation amount will be set. When the ‘deal’ is done, proceed to pay the amount and you get a seat in the college. This is why it’s important to make a deal early (preferably in May/June than late July when rates are higher by about 5 lacs). Except Manipal and KIMS, most others like to take the entire course fee in advance.

School Scores: As long as the school transcript mentions that the candidate had passed 12th Std with 50% marks in physics, biology, chemistry (and English in), everything will be taken care of since donation money will start ‘walk the talk’.

Course Fee: The donation fee changes every year and in the same year- every passing week. Be ready to cough up 35 lacs-70 lacs for entire MBBS course depending on college. KMC Manipal charges about us $150,000 for entire course. I may be able to help you about donation/capitation/auction fee in case of any specific query on any private medical college in India

The annual tuition fee, for instance, of KIMS is given as Rs. 4.56 lakh (COMEDK fixed fee) for the clinical degree course as against Rs 10 lakh that it charges the NRI students per year. Additional costs will include books, food & lodging of approx 8 lacs. In general, branded private medical colleges charge about Rs 40-50 lacs and less-branded would charge 30-40 lacs for whole course duration. Out of this total sum (say 35 lacs), 20 lacs is official fee (receipt given) and Rs.15 lacs is donation in cash (no receipt)

Academic and Cultural Issues: NRI/Foreign student who have not been to India and not tuned to ‘study-by-rot’ method, find it difficult to cope up with the new system. The complaints regarding hygiene in mess/hostel, hot water un-availability, room sizes, un-friendly professor, tough academic curricula should be considered closely before making up ones mind as most colleges take fees of entire course in the beginning. Also consider, if one is ready to spend 5.5 years in a town like Manipal or whether big metro like Bangalore is a place for you. Though I wished to stay clear of regional feelings towards one another, but this has been the case with few MBBS students doing their MBBS from other part where both professors and patients made the life difficult for north Indians and NRIs

Course Approval: one must make sure how to register with MCI after graduating from colleges (all the above colleges are approved ones) not listed here or if doing MBBS from other countries (some foriegn degrees are also recognized by MCI). The US students should check if the medical college would prepare them for USMLE or arrange to do such preparatory course from institutes like KAPLAN.

Other Alternative CountriesCheaper options are available in Nepal (Manipal group), Russia, Ukraine and Philipines which will cost about $35K with food for entire course. This could save potentially about $40K in MBBs – which could be invested in PG course. Also, China is attracting many students for studying 5year medicine (course conducted in English) at highly competitive rates of about $6k per year including fee, accommodation, books, insurance (except food and traveling). Some of these courses have been approved by the Medical Council of India. However, if you are going to study outside India, you need to file for a certificate of eligibility from the MCI and also give a screening test on your return to India

Conclusion: The best medical education in India is provided by govt colleges at highly subsidized fees and one needs to qualify in entrance exam. It is highly recommended to appear for exams like AIPMT (central) and COMEDK (Karnataka state exam), MHT-CET (Maha) as most of the good private medical colleges are situated in Karnataka and Maharashtra. You may refer to previous years question paper for AIPMT, COMEDK and other at following link

The private medical education in India is quite expensive, though less expensive and time consuming as compared to USA. However, one has to be very serious for studies as it’s quite a challenge to do MBBS in straight 4.5 years. The college and city has to be chosen carefully as many students go thru very tough times if selection is not proper. Most importantly, starting early to search a right college is key to success.
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United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) 2012

A statue of Asclepius. The Glypotek, Copenhagen.
United States Medical Licensing Examination targets on attaining medical license in United States. The faculty concerned with this exam is Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB) and National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME).This examination conducted through three stages. On each stage, it will testify the physician’s knowledge and skill in medical field. As different medical licensing authorities possess their own rules, this exam will provide a common criteria for giving license for practicing medicine. This examination program will reviewed frequently. Recent updates can be found on USMLE website.

Structure of USMLE
Three stages will accompany this examination that will be in computer-based manner. Step 1 is concerned with the basic knowledge of Medical Science has 322 questions with many choices separated in seven sixty minute blocks should terminate in eight hours. Clinical Skills and Clinical Knowledge are the two phases of Step 2. Clinical Skill will evaluate separately while Clinical Knowledge is multiple-choice pattern.
Twelve patient’s cases patient will give in Clinical Skills test. 25 minutes is allotted for each patient. For diagnosis, minimum 15 minutes is permitted. Step 3 has 480 questions with multiple choices separated in 30 to 15 items having blocks. It should terminate in 45 to 60 minutes. The two stages conducted in one of the Prometric Test Centers (PTC) in the world, while last stage can conduct only in United States and its territories. The properties used while examination will come under copyrighted materials. Any replication will come under the violation of copyright law.
Syllabus of USMLE
Step 1
  • Anatomy
  • Behavioral Science
  • Biochemistry
  • Microbiology
  • Pathology
  • Pharmacology
  • Physiology
  • Interdisciplinary topics such as nutrition, genetics, and aging
Step 2 Clinical Knowledge
  • Internal medicine
  • Obstetrics and gynecology
  • Pediatrics
  • Preventive medicine
  • Psychiatry
  • Surgery
Other areas relevant to provision of care under supervision
Step 2 Clinical Skills
  • Integrated Clinical Encounter (ICE)
  • Data gathering: Obtaining patient’s information by diagnosis and history
  • Documentation: From the findings from diagnosis and history finishing the patient’s record
  • Communication and Interpersonal Skills (CIS)
  • Questioning
  • Sharing information
  • Professional manner
  • Spoken English Proficiency (SEP)
  • Communication skills to interact with patients
Step 3
  • Clinical Encounter Frame
  • Initial care
  • Continued care
  • Emergency care
  • Physician Task
  • Thorough diagnosis of patients and making record
  • Managing patients
Eligibility Criteria
For Step 1, Step 2
  • Candidates currently doing medicine or graduation in MD degree from whichever US or
  • Canadian medical school approved by Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME)
  • Candidates currently doing medicine or graduation in DO degree from US medical school approved by American Osteopathic Association (AOA)
  • Candidates currently doing medicine or graduate from other medical school exterior to US and Canada eligible only meeting the norms of ECFMG
For Step 3
  • Candidates should acquire MD (or equivalent) or DO degree
  • Candidates should qualify Step 1 and Step 2
  • Graduates exterior to US and Canada should qualify certification by ECFMG or attain successfully Fifth Pathway program
  • Candidates should eligible to the specifications in Step 3 set by preferred Medical Licensing Authority
How to Apply?
For Step 1 and Step 2
  • Candidates from US and Canada should apply all the way through the website
  • Candidates outside US and Canada should apply all the way through the website
For Step 3
  • Candidates can forward their application through
Note: They have to login the website with USMLE or ECFMG ID. While registering in the site, an eight digit ID will be obtained.
While giving the name make sure it is exactly as in passport or degree certificate. In case of specifying clinical clerkships, give the details. If payment is through credit card fill with the sixteen digit number. Also confirm the name entered is same as in the card. Photograph submitted should have an expiry of six months and should seal by Dean or Medical college office. While sealing make sure not covering the entire photograph.
Important Dates
Exam is scheduled according to date on which the candidate is applying. The concerned authorities will sent the dates through email.
List of USMLE centers
  • Chennai
  • Hyderabad
  • Ahmedabad
  • New Delhi
  • Bangalore
  • Kolkata
  • Allahabad
  • Mumbai
Contact Address for the USMLE
For Step 1 or Step 2(Candidates from US and Canada)
  • NBME, Examinee Support Services, 3750 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104-3190
  • Website:
  • Telephone: (215)590-9700
  • E-mail:
For Step 1 or Step 2(Candidates outside US and Canada)
  • ECFMG, 3624 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104-2685
  • Website:
  • Telephone: (215)386-5900
  • E-mail:
For Step 3
  • FSMB, Assessment Services, 400 Fuller Wiser Road, Suite 300, Euless, TX 76039-3856
  • Website:
  • Telephone: (817) 868-4041
  • E-mail:
  • Medical licensing authority
  • E-mail Address:
Reference Books for USMLE
  • First Aid for the USMLE Step 1by Vikas Bhushan
  • Pathology: Board Review Series by Arthur S. Schneider
  • Physiology (Board Review Series) (3rd Edition) by Linda S. Costanzo
  • Pathophysiology for the Boards and Wards (Boards and Wards Seies) by Brad Spellberg
  • High-Yield™ Biochemistry (High-Yield Series) by R. Bruce Wilcox
  • Lippincott’s Illustrated Reviews: Biochemistry by Pamela C. Champe
  • High-Yield Cell and Molecular Biology by Ronald W. Dudek
  • High-Yield Histology by Ronald W. Dudek
  • High Yield Gross Anatomy (Science of Review) by Ronald W. Dudek
  • Clinical Microbiology Made Ridiculously Simple, Edition 3 by Mark Gladwin
  • High-Yield Embryology by Ronald W. Dudek
  • High-Yield Immunology by Arthur G. Johnson
  • High-Yield™ Neuroanatomy (High-Yield Series) by James D. Fix
  • High-Yield Behavioral Science by Barbara Fadem
  • High-Yield™ Biostatistics (High-Yield Series) by Anthony N. Glaser

Coaching Centers for USMLE
  • Global Institute of Medical Sciences
  • Dr.Bhatia Medical Institute
  • Achievers Point Knowledge Systems Pvt. Ltd
  • Jamboree Education Center
  • Career Forum
Study Plan
It is vey useful to review question banks and leaf through graphics to attain better knowledge to approach the exam. It is better to concern about time taking to attend each question. Reviewing test materials will help for that. It is better to take diagnostic pretest. Most important thing is to practice questions, at least solving hundred each day. Some time should give for relax from studying so as to refresh mind.
How and where to get the results
If the exam is held on Wednesday or Thursday or Friday the result will be on third Wednesday. If it is on other days except Sunday, the score will come on forth Wednesday. Result will get by email given by ECFMG or NBME.
Score Validity
Score obtained by this examination is valid for only seven years. After that even though the candidates have qualified the exam, it may not serve the purpose of this exam.

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