Wednesday, November 23, 2011

5 Simple Migraine Headaches Cures

1915 Simple Migraine Headaches Cures

"Cures" seems like a foreign word in medicine today, with the exception of cancer, where "cure" is the buzzword. Do we ever talk about a diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure or obesity cure in medicine? So certainly a headache cure is not on the radar screen. The best we usually hope for is control.
For some, control may be good enough, but I much rather prefer a cure. A cure indicates that physiology has improved to the point where a condition no longer exists, so long as we maintain the improved lifestyle. Many stuck in the throes of episodes of migraines probably don't believe much in a cure. Most of the message boards on the Internet or Migraine Headache pages on Facebook look at what medication seems to be working best for headache control or what may be acting as a trigger. Not exactly a bright light at the end of those tunnels. Few neurologists give a positive outlook either.
What they do have a positive outlook on is the ability of medications to control migraines. However, the studies looking into just how effective these medications can be are even more dismal, demonstrating a disconnect between neurologists and researchers. Topamax, one of the most popular migraine medications, reduces headache frequency by an extremely dismal 1.5 less days of headaches over 3 months. And this is the best we have?
Despite these depressing scenarios, there IS a light at the end of the tunnel. There are strong studies out there that support natural approaches to improve and possibly cure migraine headaches. These approaches may take some effort on the part of the migraine sufferer, but the alleviation of the headache is a very powerful payoff. Furthermore, especially women who suffer from migraines, these patients are at a much increased risk of condition like dementia, heart attack and stroke. Medications do NOT alter this disease trajectory, even if they do help with the headaches.
Lifestyle changes, on the other hand, will lower the risk of heart disease and strokes in addition to helping with the headache. These simple changes can include:
1) Exercise has been shown to lower headache frequency. This particular study found that exercise was more powerful at reducing headache frequency than was Topamax. Interestingly, as seen in the previous study, Topamax had a shockingly small impact on the number of head days (3% less days with a headache). While exercise was much more effective, it only reduced headache days by 7%. However, unlike Topamax, which has a litany of side effects, exercise will also impact risk for pretty much every chronic disease known.
2) This same study found that relaxation techniques had a hefty effect at 17% fewer headache days. This can work out to about 5 less headache days per month. THIS is powerful and has absolutely no downside.
3) There is clearly a problem with the ability of a brain cell to generate energy in those with migraines. Because of this, supplements that improve our brain's ability to generate ATP for energy will be helpful. Several studies have found benefits to the use of Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) in adults and children. One study found a 50% improvement in migraines in half the particpants taking 300 mg of CoQ10 per day.
4) Pine bark extracts (high in pycnogenol, or PCO) with vitamins C and E were shown in a small study to lower the number of headache days by almost half. This is again because these compounds help to protect our brain cells.
5) Riboflavin is critical for our brain cells to generate energy (for the physiology geeks, it is a component for the compounds flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) and flavin mononucleotide (FMN), which are major cofactors in oxidative phosphorylation). In one study, researchers found that, using 25 mg in the placebo group had almost a 50% reduction in migraines.
These are just simple, targeted changes that can easily be made to improve migraine headaches. More detail changes to increase intake of nuts, spices, whole grains, fruits and vegetables, targeted exercise programs, meditation programs, and elimination or reduction of the exposure to chemicals in our environment can take brain health to the next level.
Medication and medications does not address the systemic problem that is causing the migraine headaches in the first place. Only comprehensive lifestyle changes to lower our risk of diabetes and heart disease (two diseases strongly linked with migraine headaches) will change the health trajectories that migraines represent.
Remeber that migraines may be felt in the head, but a true headache cure has to improve the way the body works and not merely address the pain felt with the migraine.
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Smart Weight Loss Tips For Everyone

A diet rich in soy and whey protein, found in ...Smart Weight Loss Tips For Everyone
Healthy Weight Loss Tips for Successful Dieting
Do you have your diet underway, or are getting ready to start, and would like to have a few weight loss tips? Our weight loss tips are going to cover 3 critical areas in your diet.
  • Eating - What to put in your mouth for success.
  • Exercise - Getting your body in motion the fun way.
  • Motivation - Keeping yourself motivated, excited, and enjoying the adventure of changing your body.
Eating for Success - Simple Healthy Weight Loss Tips You Will Enjoy
Do you always agonize over all the foods you will be missing during a diet? Dieting does not need to be a time depriving you of flavor. You may be surprised at all the wonderful new foods you uncover. Here are a few of the items you should consider for your diet which are high in flavor and good for you.
  • Fresh Fruits
  • Diet Shakes
  • Vegetables
  • Lean Chicken
  • Fish
  • Lean Beef
  • Yogurt
This is just a short list of food categories, but stop and think what this means to you. You can enjoy items like:
  • Fresh Strawberries with a dip of Fat Free Vanilla Yogurt
  • Chicken Fajitas (Avoid the heavy fat sour cream.)
  • Steak grilled outdoors.
  • Vegetable stir-fry.
  • Mixed fruit bowls.
  • Rich chocolate diet shakes to replace a meal.
When you really think about the kinds of foods you can have, instead of the foods you cannot have, you will discover flavor abounds in low fat/low calories menus. Buy a couple diet cookbooks and start having fun. It can be a great adventure which gives your taste buds new excitement.
One of the best tips for weight loss you will ever hear is to eat more often. Reduce your overall consumption for the day, but choose to split up your food into 5 to 6 small meals or snacks. Take along a low calorie low fat yogurt for your morning break. Have some fresh veggies and apple slices for your afternoon snack. You do not need to torture yourself during the day. Enjoy eating while you diet.
Exercise is Not All about Hard Work
If you have not exercised in years it is time to take a new look. Go to a good fitness center or community activity center. Look for exercise ideas which look fun. A few ideas you should consider and are great fun include:
  • Water aerobics
  • Swimming
  • Basketball
  • Racquet Ball
  • Line Dancing Classes
  • Martial Arts Aerobics
All of these choices burn calories quickly but avoid the boredom associated with walking on a treadmill or pedaling away on an exercise bike. Getting involved with a group may seem intimidating when you first start, but you will discover the group settings add fun, excitement, and one huge bonus.
The bonus is a feeling of commitment. As you begin making friends in your aerobics group, line dancing class, or with a racquetball partner, you are unlikely to miss workouts. You will enjoy going and seeing your friends and when you miss a day or two they may give you a call to re-motivate you.
If you choose to stick with a traditional workout routine, using exercise equipment in a gym, make sure to take a few minutes to meet the instructors. Ask them for suggestions on other machines you can try. Have them demonstrate ways to improve your workout. By rotating several different machines you can avoid getting stuck in a rut on your weight loss and avoid mental boredom.

Rapid Weight Loss 

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Different Types of Laser Eye Surgery

A subconjunctival hemorrhage is a common and r...Different Types of Laser Eye Surgery

There are a variety of different types of laser eye surgery that can be used to help correct many conditions suffered by the eye. From minor conditions to serious illnesses, laser eye surgery can help restore sight or even save it. The advancements in technology over the years have been huge and it has meant that many people around the world have been able to enjoy the benefits of renewed sight. This article looks at some of the different types of laser surgery.
Lasik surgery is one such type of laser surgery. It is an abbreviation of "Laser in situ Keratomileusis" and it can be used to help correct a number of refractive problems that can cause people to live their life with glasses or contact lenses. Anyone that has long or shortsightedness can have their vision corrected with Lasik surgery. A small cut into the cornea is made and laser is used to either flatten (in the case of those who are shortsighted) or make more curved (for those who are longsighted) the cornea. The procedure is painless because anesthetic drops are placed in the eye beforehand.
There are several types of Lasik surgery too. When a similar procedure to the one described above is carried out but without first making an incision of the cornea, this is called advanced surface ablation. Another type of Lasik surgery is blended vision. This is when the two eyes need treatment for two conditions, both long and shortsightedness that are affecting both eyes. There is also intraLasik surgery available which does not use a laser to make the incision in the eye. Wavefront surgery is also a type of Lasik surgery and this is tailor made to the individual. A 3D map of the eye is produced by a machine that can measure light as it travels through the eye. By comparing the patient's eye to one that is perfect, it is possible to determine exactly how the eye needs to be corrected to make their eye sight as perfect as possible.
Lasek surgery is another type of laser eye surgery. This is a bit like Lasik surgery although it is often the option for less severe cases or more minor conditions. It is also used on patients who have very thin corneas. Lasek stands for laser assisted epithelial keramileusis and rather than creating a flap over the cornea, the surface of the cornea is loosened and folded back. Lasek is just as effective as Lasik surgery, however recovery is slightly longer and the eyes may be more uncomfortable for a few days following surgery. Following Lasik treatment, patients often return to work a day or two later, but with Lasek surgery it may take a few days longer before normal life can return.
Undergoing a lens exchange is another type of surgery that is appropriate for some patients. Cataracts can be removed during a refractive lens exchange that uses ultrasound technology to break up and remove the cloudy lens of the eye. It is also possible for some people who are short or long sighted to have a refractive lens exchange. This can help eyesight a great deal and improve the ability to focus.
As well as refractive problems, laser eye surgery can help treat conditions such as glaucoma or wet and dry macular degeneration. These are all very serious and can lead to blindness if surgery is not undertaken. A form of Lasik eye surgery can be carried out to correct the problems and therefore prevent eyesight from getting any worse. There are different types of laser eye surgery and so you should speak to your eye doctor to discuss what would be appropriate for you and your condition.
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Improving Concentration - How to Train the Mind to Focus

Pomodoro TimerImproving Concentration - How to Train the Mind to Focus

The modern world is horrible for focusing on a task. There are a million distractions all fighting for your attention, and all seem to be important. The ability to concentrate is more important now than it has ever been in the past, and yet we are finding it harder than ever to stay focused. So are you wondering how to improve concentration? Read on.
Have a Focus Phrase
This is simple: any time you feel yourself drifting, have a phrase that says "get back to work." Mine is simple "Focus on your work." but others might prefer something simpler, like "Be here." Whatever your phrase is, associate it with getting your task done.
Train Yourself not to be Distracted
Think of your distraction as a game, or a hurdle to jump. Try training for it. go to a crowded, distracting place like a coffee shop and work on some simple, unimportant tasks. Reward yourself with coffee when you stay focused, and generously to the tip jar when you don't. That way, you have both the carrot and the stick.
Isolate yourself
When you need to get real work done, however, your best bet is to find an environment you feel extremely comfortable in and cut yourself off from the world. This isn't the office, unfortunately; cubicles and offices are notoriously bad for getting real work done. If you can't cut yourself off physically, try listening to music.
Have Work Music
Play music when you work, preferably the same thing every time. Maybe make a play list. Just make sure that the music is mostly lyric-less, as vocals will put your mind to work listening to them. Also find something that is fairly repetitive, so your mind doesn't have to work to find patterns. I personally like Brian Eno's "Music for Airports."
Give Yourself a Break
A while back, a simple productivity technique emerged. It isn't novel, but it is catchy, and it is effective. Introducing the Pomorodo technique. Named after those small tomato-shaped timers, the Pomodoro technique take advantage of structured breaks. This is the technique:
1. Set a timer for 25 minutes
2. Work vigorously for those 25 minutes
3. Write an X somewhere you will remember
4. Take a 5 minute break
5. Repeat until you have 4 X's, then take a 15-20 minute break.
This pattern gets your mind into the habit of only getting distracted when you let it, and turns focusing into a bit of a game. Give it try, and you'll be surprised how effective this simple technique is.
Reward yourself
If you successfully concentrate, then give yourself a treat. Otherwise, nothing. This is particularly easy if you are using the Pomodoro technique. Say you work for 7 hours a day. You could expect 10 or so Pomorodo X's, so if you reach your goal, give yourself a treat. If it's particularly important, punish yourself for not making it. You get to choose.
If you try these techniques, you should be able to get your wandering, distracted mind under control in no time. Give a few try, and you will be happy with the results.
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Effective Tips to Increase Memory

Memory before and after the implementation of ...Effective Tips to Increase Memory

Increasing your memory is crucial if you are going to improve your work performance and productivity. Sometimes it can get a little tricky because of the humongous workload your mental circuit is presented, and it has the tendency to slow down. Once you feel your thinking is slowing, your initial reaction is to speed it up.
But that may just add to the overload of your memory, because if you add speeding up to the already chaotic environment in your brain, it just compounds the confusion - so instead, increase your memory by slowing down your thinking.
Not convinced?
When you slow down your thinking, you increase your efficiency because the problems become clearer to you, one after the other, instead of all at once. The decrease in interruptions will have a positive effect on your memory, allowing you to focus more.
This way, you stop going in circles, trying to find a solution for one task only to be interrupted by worries from the other. Your memory function will surely get an increase from the less stress.
This is also the best way to speed up your thinking because it allows you to write down your thoughts. Done like this, you will have the opportunity to see what is more important and find ways on how to deal with them better.
When you slow down your thinking, you effectively increase your memory because it allows you to organize, classify, and associate your thoughts better than in a cloud of rush and confusion.
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Pet Training Tips to Help You Train Your Puppies

A puppy sitting on the perimeter wall around D...Pet Training Tips to Help You Train Your Puppies

Having pets can be a wonderful experience, but of course, part of having wonderful pets is your responsibility of making them obedient pets as well. A pet owner's responsibility is huge and that includes training your pets to become obedient and clean as well.
If you are trying to train your puppies, read on to find few tips that might help you make the training more effective and fast. Pet training can be challenging and if you do not have a good guide to do it, the whole process can be a little difficult. Here are a few pet training tips that you might want to learn to help you make the training a little easier for you and your pet.
1. Don't train in haste.
Pet training is a process and it can be long and challenging. If you are trying to train your puppy, it is important to understand the behavior of the animals to make the training effective. Dogs are animals of habit and thus, you have to be patient about training your pet puppies. Training is not a race thus you don't have to train in haste or else you will make training errors that will later difficult to correct.
2. Start early.Starting early is one of the pet training tips that can be effective especially in controlling behavioral problems with your pets. If you start early, you will also help avoid your pets developing bad habits. The earlier you can start with your training, the easier it will be to train your pets and avoid bad habits. Of course, developing your pet's behavior early will help you introduce good behavior without your pet exposed to bad habits.
3. Socialize your pet.
Aggression and behavioral problems are among the things that you might deal with if you are training your pet. Of course, animals have certain aggression on them and that you may have to deal with it during training. One of the pet training tips that can help you deal with behavioral problems is to socialize your pet and allow them to meet other pets and people as well. You can walk your dog to the park to allow them to meet other animals and allow them to get use to mingling with other animals as well.
4. Rewarding your pet at the right timing.
Another one of the pet training tips that you have to keep in mind is to give rewards to your pets every time he completes a task or does a good job during the training. Giving rewards is a good technique but keep in mind that proper timing is another important element to help make the reward work for your pet. Giving your reward too late can be misinterpreted by your pet and that can lead to miscommunication that may also lead to failure in your training.
5. Stick to a schedule. Consistency is the key.
In training your pets, it is important that you have a regular schedule to follow. Dogs in particular are animals of habit, thus one of the important things you have to do to start an effective training is to have a schedule, stick to it and continue training your pet until he learns the things you want him to learn.
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Top 5 Effective Acne Tricks to Cure Spots Fast!

Human skin structureTop 5 Effective Acne Tricks to Cure Spots Fast!

Acne is unbelievably common. Nearly every single one of use has suffered with a cluster of spots at lease one time in our life. So if you are currently putting up the the torment of acne, do not feel alone.
Here are some brief and easy top trick to curing acne, starting form today.
Trick 1: Healthy Diet
It is so important that we have a healthy diet, not only for our general health, but to dramatically improve the condition of our skin. Experts recommend that we ate at least 5 different portions of fruit and veg every day.
Trick 2:Wash Regularly
It is crucial that we wash our skin regularly, particularly the acne infected areas, whether they are on your face or body.
Wash at least twice a day. Once  first thing in the morning and again before bed.
Always use hot water with an acne treatment to effectively get all the dirt off.
Trick 3 Drink Water
Water should be your best friend whilst on your quest to cure your stubborn acne.
If you drink enough, water will act as a detox for your body. It will flush away all the nasty toxins and bacteria that are polluting your skin and causing acne. Experts recommend that we consume at least 8 glasses of water every day.
Trick 4 Change Pillow Case
If you suffer from facial acne especially, then it a good idea to change your pillow case frequently. If you do not you will only make your acne worse or even spread it.
Trick 5  Effective Acne Treatment
Find an effective acne treatment. If you discover one that works for you, it will be the fastest way to cure your acne for good.
There are so many acne treatments on the market today, but unfortunately not many actually live up the the promises on the bottle.  Whilst on the hunt for an effective acne treatment, it is a great idea to do a little background research before you part with any money. Look to see if the product you have your eye on is surrounded by positive customer reviews. This way you will know that the product is effective and is worth your time, effort and money.

Acne Treatment
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Best Android Apps: My Top 10 Choices

The Android Emulator home screen.Best Android Apps: My Top 10 Choices
Android based phones have a diverse array of applications available. For the new Android user, it can almost be overwhelming choosing which apps to install. With the recent release of new Androids handsets from major brands like Motorola, HTC, and Google, the Android developer community has been given a boost to crank out good quality Android software. Today, Android Marketplace features more than 10,000 apps from personal finances to games and utilities. While some applications are more useful to some than others, here are my top 10 Android apps.
Connect Bot
Connect Bot is an absolute must-have application for anyone that works with Unix or Linux servers. This app is a very decent and capable secure shell client for the Android phone. Connect Bot is an SSH Client for the Android Phone which allows you to connect to remote servers directly from your hand-held device.
This is another top Android app for anyone that works with networked computers. Need to know if your web server is up and running? Ping will let you check from your Android phone. This application does just what it says, it allows you to send ICMP pings to a server from your Android phone.
App Manager
App Manager is an Android application that makes managing your applications simpler. It allows you to backup unprotected applications to your SD card. It will also allow you to easily uninstall an application and to reinstall an application from your SD card.
Bar Code Scanner
This Android application uses the camera in your phone to read bar codes. This application reads both UPC style bar codes and QR codes. This application works with other Android applications such as the Amazon application to look up information and prices on products.
Got to Do
If you use David Allen's Getting Things Done organizational system, you will love Got to Do. This Android application implements the core concepts of GTD to manage tasks and projects.
Handcent SMS
The default messaging application on Android is pretty capable but it lacks a few features like saving MMS attachments. Handcent is a great replacement that shows messages in comic style bubbles, supports saving MMS attachments and has virtual greetings you can send to your friends.
Snap Photo Pro
Snap Photo Pro is a win at only $0.99 for the application. This Android application replaces the camera application that ships with Android. It features a software zoom and a stabilization. It also shows a grid representing the horizon and supports adjusting the white balance. I've found that this Android application takes much better photos than the default one.
WiFi Analyzer
If you need to see what wireless networks are around you and how strong their signals are, this is the application for you. It is also useful for troubleshooting Wi-Fi as it shows what channel the network is using and where various networks overlap. It can also indicate secure versus open networks.
Pic Say Pro
Photoshop for Android is still very much in its infancy but Pic Say Pro is an Android application that has a number of photo editing features. Even the free lite version outperforms the current incarnation of Photoshop for Android. This is a must have for editing your photos on the Android.
I love music. And I love finding new music. Shazam is an Android application that can listen to a piece of music at a club or on the radio and identify the title, the album and the artist performing it. Amazingly, it is extremely accurate and works even on non-English songs.

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